Monday, October 19, 2009

Last Exile (Anime)

A friend recommend we watch this, and lucky for us it was available to stream off of netflix! So after my futile search for season 3 of Kyo Kara Maoh, I was able to rebound with this awesome show, that very night.

Unlike some it starts in the heat of the plot, no back story (that comes later) that drags for episodes. However they sorta had no choice, well I guess they did, we all do. But considering there are only 26 episodes, they had to stream line it well to get maximum potential.

I'm on the 13th episode and LOVE it so far, awesome animation, music, characters, story and music! (I know I said music twice)

So there's no Manga, or Novel, just the 26 episodes, and some sound tracks (which I will be looking for) There is a rumor about a live action, but haven't seen much about that.

Like I said if you have netflix you can stream it (or just get it), also I'm sure you can find it on the web. However if you're looking to buy (which I will) then here ya go:


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