Monday, December 1, 2008

Neon Gensis Evangelion (Anime: Mecha)

Some where someone thought it would be funny to wreck almighty havoc with the releasing of these 26 Episodes. There are ONLY 26 Episodes, even though there's a movie, and "remakes" and lots of released Neon Gensis stuff. There are ONLY 26 Episodes you will not glean any more information for any of the following DVDs. OK I lied a bit, you will get a smidgen, a SMIDGEN of more information but its not worth the redundant madness that you will have to endure.

Why do I stress there are only 26 episodes, because lets face it, I'm being redundant and blatantly obvious. They re-did episodes 21-24 and 25 and 26 like thirty different times, a-n-d n-o-t-h-i-n-g c-h-a-n-g-e-d!

They did however release all of their "remakes" as NEW, let me tell you they aren't, theres like .5% new with them and the rest of the 99.5% isn't worth watching again, and again...

Just trust me Watch the 26 Normal Episodes and you'll be ahead of the game. However if you must and I mean you better be DIEING (literally) to watch these; Rent and/or Netflix them do NOT pay good hard cash for them, and still only watch the Movie: The End of Evengalion.

You know its kinda not fair! There is a reason that it is one of the classics, the beginning is phenomenal! So is the middle and your just an inch away from fast forwarding the whole thing so you can have more Eva goodness!! The Ending though, the ending kills the show, LITERALLY KILLS THE SHOW (and no one survives..)
I was once in raptures about this show, now it makes me want to hid under my bed and cry. I don't know why or how they decided their ending made sense, all they did was open another can of worms, no one taught them to put their toys away once they were finished before pulling out more. They lost most of their fan base after it came out. Its not really a wonder they had funding problems...

ANYWAY On with the Madness...

26 episodes
Neon Genesis Evangelion, Collection 0:1 (Episodes 1-4)

Neon Genesis Evangelion, Collection 0:2 (Episodes 5-8)

Neon Genesis Evangelion, Collection 0:3 (Episodes 9-11)

Neon Genesis Evangelion, Collection 0:4 (Episodes 12-14)
Neon Genesis Evangelion, Collection 0:5 (Episodes 15-17)

Neon Genesis Evangelion, Collection 0:6 (Episodes 18-20)

Neon Genesis Evangelion, Collection 0:7 (Episodes 21-23)

Neon Genesis Evangelion, Collection 0:8 (Episodes 24-26)

K theres also a Platinum collection, don't worry its just more goodies ie: cut sences and extras, and apparenlty they have upped the quality of the DVD ie sound and picture. I might be captian obvious here but I used to get confused between Perfect Collections and Complete Collections, I didn't want to miss ANYTHING! If your just worried about the story your not missing anything when getting different "Collections" you just wont get the same extras, thats all there is to it.

(Watch Out Movie time!)

Neon Genesis Evangelion - Death & Rebirth The first part, Death, is an hour-long re-edit of the first 24 episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion. New scenes were added to the film, which were eventually added in to the television show itself in the "Director's Cut" versions of episodes 21 through 24 which were released in the Japanese LaserDisc release and the Platinum Collection DVD release

Death was re-edited twice (told ya). The first edit was Death(true), which removed the new scenes and was shown with Rebirth on the Japanese Network WOWOW. The second edit was Death(true)², which reincorporated the image of Adam on Gendo Ikari's hand, and had several scenes taken out. Death(true)² was the cut attached to Revival of Evangelion, the final edit of the Evangelion movies, as well as the video release of Death and Rebirth.

The second part, Rebirth, consists of an entirely new animation and storyline which follows episode 24, and is a remake (wow another one) of the final two episodes of the television series 25 and 26. Due to time constraints, the new animation wasn't fully completed when the movie was released and only the first 27 minutes out of the total 40 minutes were shown in Rebirth. Originally, Rebirth was intended to include episodes 25 and 26, which were later released as the The End of Evangelion movie. Four months later, The End of Evangelion movie, the second Evangelion movie, featured the complete Rebirth animation, which was released as "Episode 25: Air", and "Episode 26: My Purest Heart for You (Sincerely Yours)".

Neon Genesis Evangelion - The End of Evangelion MOVIE (its just different accounting of Episodes 25 and 26)

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Platinum Collection (Why not it will save you a whole lot of hasel)

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