Friday, May 16, 2008

Whats Up!

So if you haven't noticed yet this blogs purpose is to give directions in ways of reading books or watching show in Order, aka Beginning to End. I have spent the last 2 years searching the web over trying to find books to read and Animes to watch, only to find a Super fantastic show or book with 80 volumes, or book sequince that I can't follow or place in order! I once read a whole series the wrong way round and by the time I got to the first book it was no longer nail bitting nor edge of the seat thrilling. I knew they survived, how else could their children have saved them three books back?

I am just starting this blog so bare with me, there aren't many "directions" as yet. Also I suppose I should specify when I say "shows" I mean Anime shows, they incidently are what have driven me to do this. They seem to be the most problematic, however I will add whatever I feel needs to be. I will also added other shows on request, heaven knows there are more books and shows out there then I can ever watch in a single life time, though I'm doing my best.

I Hope this helps

p.s: Sorry I'm not adding reviews, see I can talk and talk and talk and I'm sure no one wants that, though if you want some sort of rank I'm not putting anything on here that I don't like. if you want reviews however I can give them on request, but I did warn you.

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