Saturday, July 18, 2009

The New Me.

As my newest Author announced yes I am changing my name. Have changed it actually. Why? Well T.W.I.G.G. or The way it goes Girl, was never my favorite OR my first choice. It was a rather hasty decision and I just didn't have time to change it. Besides it kinda works.

The name I've been going by for quiet sometime now is Stone~Amber, please call me Stone or any variation of that. (ie: Stoney)

On to business: I would like to welcome Loxely to my growing army of Anime Archaeologist's. Hopefully now there will be more shows uncovered for you all soon. I would like to take this time however to remind Lox that he is here to pimp Anime, not himself :P

That said I would also like to thank all those who read this, and if we've helped you at all please let us know we would be very interested in hearing from you.

I forgot we had another change, in the form of a missing Author. Due to conflicting schedules and school time constrants Aaron has abdicated from being a blog Author. We are sad to see him leave but excited to see him pursue his goals by furthing his education and wish him luck.


Loxley said...

Nice going, Stoney. :D

But wait! Does that mean I can't give out my phone number to cute girls here? Darnit!

Stone~Amber said...

You're a big boy, I think you can work this one out by yourself.